The early warning bacteria system, for the detection of microbiological activity.

The measurements are realised in a short period of time, 1-2 hours, depending on the sampling volume and cleaning procedures.

This is in contrast to classical microbiological methods, which are labour-intensive and in which cultivation of the organisms is required, taking several days before obtaining reliable results (24-48 hours).

The bacteria monitor is an online automated instrument for the detection of microbiological activity in water. It measures the specific enzymatic activities of ß-galactosidase (coliforms), ß-glucuronidase (E.coli) and alkaline phosphatase (total activity, biomass), as an indicator of the presence of bacterial contamination. The enzyme activity is detected by adding reagents (consumables) which contain a fluorescent indicator. The reagents are substrate-specific for the enzyme to be detected, meaning that there is an increase in fluorescence when the enzyme is present in the sample.

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