The SM1500 and SM550 sensors operate getting powered from a single +9 to +18Vdc with and the typical power consumption is 28mA@12Vdc.

Other power capabilities are available under request. The acceleration output of SM1500 and SM550 sensors can be analog bipolar or differential, 4-20mA current loop output is also available for both sensors.

The SM1500 accelerometer is based on a variable capacitor transducer and a feedback circuit that operates in a closed-loop configuration. The feedback force is controlled by an application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) which provides high reliability and low output noise.


  • 3 axis accelerometers
  • Low power consumption – Surface/wall mount installation
  • MEMS -ASIC technology
  • Force Balance Sensor Technology
  • Wide Input Voltage Range
  • Wide Bandwidth DC-1500 Hz – Range +/-2, +/-3, +/-5g linear
  • Wide Dynamic Range 114dB
  • Noise Level 0.6ìgrms/sqrt(Hz) o Operation Range: 20 +70 C


  • Structural Monitoring Applications
  • Earthquake monitoring
  • Geophysics
  • Homeland and Border Security
  • Vibrations Monitoring
  • Tilt and Inclination monitoring
  • Shock measurements

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