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    Air Quality Monitoring Sensors

    The Air Quality Monitoring Sensors are low-cost all-in-one monitoring sensors, which changes the layout of the traditional monitoring industry.

    Accurate measurement can be achieved by modern optical and electrochemical technology. Effective information can be output 24 hours uninterruptedly, providing guidance for the further occurrence and spread of pollution.

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    Compact Weather Station

    The All-in-One weather sensors have a compact weather station.


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    Disdrometer Laser Instrument

    The Disdrometer is a laser instrument that measures the drop size distribution falling hydrometeors. It
    can also monitor rainfall types, visibility, radar reflectivity and other parameters. It is widely used in the field of hydrometeorology.



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    IES STB Net Pyrradiometer

    The STB series net total radiation sheet is mainly used to measure the projection down from the sky and the earth's surface upward projection net difference of full wave radiation.



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    Research Weather Station Data Logger Station

    Model HOBO RX3000 Station
    The research weather station data logger combines greater measurement flexibility and an on-board LCD display in a rugged, easy-to-deploy package.



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    Tipping Bucket Rain Gauge

    The tipping rain gauge conforming to WMO is a standard instrument for monitoring rainfall data in various
    industries. It can be used for traceability analysis of various applications.



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    UAV Drone Air Quality Monitoring System

    The measuring of air quality identifies pollutant levels by measuring the quantity of certain pollutants in the external outdoor air.

    Australia has its own Australia Air Quality Index (AQI) system. The AQI of simple design allowing an easier may for pollution levels to be monitored and shared with the general public so they understand and can view the health risks.

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    Weather Monitoring Sodar Wind Profile

    The sodar wind profiler is a low-cost aerial wind measurement product. It can measure wind speed and wind direction values at 20 levels with an average height of 200m, and has done rigorous comparison tests.



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